I am a gig academic and support staff at CU.

Maggie in the German countryside

My name is Maggie (they/them) and I love language learning, educational technology, and social and disability justice. I am a dedicated and compassionate professional with a strong background in communications, event planning, grant project management, university teaching, educational design, academic care work, and digital accessibility. 

Current and/or recent projects:

Personal projects that give me joy:

  • Birding
  • Gardening
  • Glamping
  • Mutual Aid
  • Puzzling
  • Swimming
  • Queer-Crip Community

Select Publications & Presentations

Peer-Reviewed Publications

With Ervin Malakaj. “Feeling Bad, Together: The Pedagogy of Unwellness in Language and Culture Studies.Feminist German Studies: Community and Care: Conversations in and Against the University, eds Maria Stehle and Helga Thorson (Summer 2024).

With David Loner. “How to Deal with a Bully: Debility, Non-Production, and Radical Care.Feminist Formations: Time, Urgency, and Collaboration in the Corporate University, eds Maria Stehle and Fatima El-Tayeb, Spring 2022: pp. 25–55.

“Das Medium ist das Gedicht: Nichts lesen im Frühwerk Dieter Roths.” Dieter Roth: Zum literarischen Werk des Künstlerdichters, München: edition text + kritik, November 2021: pp. 32–54.

Universality and the Zero Hour: Interrelationship Between the Avant-Garde, Denazification, and German-Language Literatures.” Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, vol. 4, no. 1, Hunan: Hunan Normal University Press, June 2020: pp. 65–85.

Other Publications

Making Spaces for Unwellness, Crip Time, and Carework: Resources and Tools for Building Accessibility and Mutual Aid in the Classroom.” Diversity, Decolonization and the German Curriculum, January 10, 2023.

With Emily Frazier-Rath. “Mutual Aid in Our German Studies Communities: Why and How to do Collective Organizing and Care Work in Academia.” Diversity, Decolonization and the German Curriculum, May 2021.

With David Loner. “Crip Currencies: Resources on Care Community Networks in the Age of COVID-19.” Digital Feminist Collective, July 2020.

Text, Textiles & Digital Technologies.” Kunst Zwischen Deckeln. Blog post for the Bavarian State Library. July 2, 2019.

‘The Most Significantly Imaginative Post-War European Book Artist’.” Introduction essay in Roth Times: From Geometry to Decay (an Art Catalogue for Art Basel). NY: Irving Zucker Art Books, 2016, p. 5.

MUNDUNCULUM: A Rothian Endeavor. Roth Times: From Geometry to Decay (an Art Catalogue for Art Basel). NY: Irving Zucker Art Books, 2016, pp. 18–22.

Recorded Workshops and Presentations

“Creating Interactive Language Materials with H5P.” ALTEC Faculty Workshop, November 7, 2023.

“What is Mutual Aid (in academia)?” Video for the virtual DDGC Mutual Aid Teach-In, October 20, 2022.

With David Loner. “Laziness and Non-Production as a Radical Form of Political Resistance.” Feminism in Action Opening Session for the Women in German Studies Conference, Portland, OR, November 4-7, 2021.

With kelly j. drumright. “Worüber man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man memen.” Twelfth International Conference on The Image, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2021.

With kelly j. drumright. “What do you meme? Using Multimodal Technologies in the Language Classroom.” ALTEC Faculty Workshop. September 2021.